Paper 1

Writing Class


Key Terms:  class, socio-economic status, standardization, training, critical pedagogy, curriculum, power, knowledge, stability.

Jean Anyon's work has forced scholars to think about the meaning of "class" in the United States since the publication of her "Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work."  Her scholarship also makes us think about the different kinds of education available in this country, and how those differences are reflected in the way students are taught to write.  The connections between class and education are the focus of our discussions and readings.

To further strengthen your understand of these issues an terms, complete the readings below.



     • Read "Narrative" chapter under "Modes" tab above.

     •Jean Anyon.  Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work

     • Matthew Malady, "We Are Teaching High School Students to Write Terribly."

                             • Example of careful notes:   notes on Malady's essay

                             • sample TEQ Sheet on Malady's essay

     • Shaun Johnson,  "Why America's Prep Schools Aren't Following Arne Duncan's Public School Education Reforms."


     • Freshman Writing Seminars: Vassar

     •Description of a a Vassar writing course:  HERE.

     • Macomb Community College 1190 Curriculum Warehouse: seer first-day handout


     • Hugh Culik: "The Evils of the Five-Paragraph Paper."

     • Jennifer Gray. "What Do Students Think About the Five-Paragraph Essay?"


ASSIGNMENT: Writing to Learn

• Mapping Existing Knowledge

Begin by completing TEQ Sheets for the readings from Anyon, Malady, and Gray. Note that the Malady TEQ Sheet is already completed. You may use it as your own. Then, you need to complete the two steps below to develop a worthwhile claim. Each is a separate document in its own right.

•Identifying Gaps in the Map: The Purpose & Problem Statement

After building background knowledge by completing the TEQ Sheets, go to the "Purpose and Problem" (P&P)  link on the "Tools" page, and create a P&P Statement that describes the purpose of the course, the relation of the assignment to the purpose of the course, and then describes something puzzling, unclear, ignored, or in  need of further explanation.

•Re-Drawing the Map: the Prospectus

At this point, you probably have some clear ideas about what you would like to say about the kind of writing education you've had.   Go to the "Prospectus" link on the Tools page, and create a Prospectus that summarizes the key evidence and ideas of your (unwritten) paper.

          Sample Prospectus: claim-anyon-paper1.pdf


Writing to Communicate: two pages

Reread the Anyon essay (see above link) several times, and revise your TEQ Sheet to make sure that you have understood what she actually said and what surprised you. Then, look at the "questions" portion of your TEQ Sheets to review what you have thought about its strengths and limitations. In a carefully worded essay of at least three pages  (about 750 words), use what Anyon has said to evaluate your previous writing education.

1. Begin your essay with a brief, accurate summary of Anyon’s main ideas.

          a. Your essay might begin with this phrase:  Jean Anyon’s “Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work,” claims that ______.  Accurately summarize her claims and her evidence. Briefly discuss their strengths, weaknesses, and their relationship to what our other writers say. Note that the introduction might be more than a single paragraph.

          b.You will end the first section with a statement of your own idea about the connection between the kind of writing instruction you’ve received and the social/economic class in which you live.

2. Follow this opening section with a second section that gives evidence (examples) that support your idea.  Be sure that these paragraphs use all four of the paragraph functions discussed in class and presented on this web site. Your job is to describe your previous experience with writing instruction, and to note what is problematic about it.  Again, note that this might be several paragraphs.

3. Create a third section that summarizes and discusses the question in a more general way.  This is your conclusion.  It should both summarize your main ideas and offer an additional "problem" that might be the topic for the next writer who works on this topic.



     3 TEQ Sheets

     1 Purpose & Problem Statement

     1 Prospectus

     1 Paper


Other Requirements

    1. The documents must avoid any form of the verb, "to be."  Examples of this verb include "am," "is," "are," "was," "were," "being," "been." This verb creates vague and questionable statements.

    2. The documents may not use second person ("you" or "your"). The terms confuse the reader.

    3. The documents not use "one" as a substitute for second person.

    4. First person ("I") is acceptable only at the sentences that state your own, most important insight, question, hypothesis, or experience.


SUBJECT LINE for Submitting Your First Project

          • YourLastName-paper1-hour

                        Example: kelly-paper1-8

                               •“kelly” is the last name

                               •“Anyon” is the assignment

                               •”8” is the time the class starts.

   FILE NAMES for your first project:

                         • TEQ Sheets: will NOT be emailed. They will be checked off in class.


                         • Purpose and Problem Statement


                                   Example: kelly-PPS1-8.pages




                                   Example: kelly-prospectus1-12.odt




                                   Example: kelly-Paper1-12.odt