So Far
Our semester has focused on two issues. The first is the development of a process for writing an academic paper. Our Mapping Model and the process steps that go with it -- TEQ Sheets, Purpose & Problem Statement, Prospectus, and Paper -- are the core of that focus. Our second issue is the power of digital tools to invisibly channel our behavior, thought, values, and beliefs into a narrow set of choices. It's now your task to write a paper that uses what you have learned about both the writing process and contemporary digital culture.
Recognize the following:
1. Each assignment has the same structure: key terms, topic, readings, writing to learn, and writing to communicate. Go back and note how these are organized to lead to successful writing. You will plan your own "assignment" using this pattern.
2. You have a set of valuable TEQ Sheets sufficient for writing an academic paper. Re-read them.
3. Your readings, class discussions have identified connections between different digital experiences. We have identified this sequence:
online behavior --> surveillance --> tracking --> digital footprint --> online identity --> digital redlining
In a carefully planned, 3-5 page paper, explain how you are vulnerable to the processes of digital redlining channel your behaviork thought, choices, values, and and beliefs. Choose a highly specific issue. You will organize the paper using the "pivot" model we've practiced, and you will integrate the "they say" and the "I say" into a mature academic argument.
Consider reading the "Argument" link under the "Modes" tab as a starting place.