Mapping existing knowledge: TEQ Sheets
The Terms, Expectations, and Questions Sheet (TEQ Sheet) is a tool for "surveying the field" of what others have thought about a subject. Not only does it help focus your attention on the details of others' information, but it also helps locate the blank spaces in the "map" that they have made of the subject. These blanks will become the focus of your paper as you ask questions about them and develop your thesis.
For an example of a useful TEQ Sheet produced for an ENGL 1180 class, click HERE.
A fillable .pdf is available to simplify your use of TEQ Sheets. Follow these steps to use it:
1. Open the TEQ Sheet Template by clicking HERE.
2. Save the TEQ Sheet Template on your computer by going to the "file" menu and using "save as."
⁃ You might want to call the file "1180teqtemplate"
3. The blank, TEQ Sheet Template is now saved on your computer.
4. Use this saved file to respond to each reading. Open the .pdf file you've saved (step #2). When you have finished filling it out for a reading, AGAIN go to “file” and use “save as” to rename it. For example, you might call the TEQ Sheet for the essay by Jean Anyon, "Anyon-TEQ" etc.
A fillable Microsoft Word template is available by clicking HERE.
1. After filling out the template, use go to the "file" menu and use "save as." Again, you might wish to save it using a name that identifies the author and type of document, e.g., "Anyon-TEQ" etc.